Artículos para Evaluación

Seminario de Investigación I

Luis Humberto Abril Cardenas The Costs and Benefits of Pair Programming
Oscar Miguel Alonso Moreno Why agents? On the varied motivations for agent computing in the social science
Andres Barrantes Bernal Attacks_on_Biometric System_A_Case_Study_in_Fingerprints
Edwin Andres Bernal Lopez  Intelligent Agent Software for Medicine
Victor Andres Bucheli Guerrero Mapping communication and collaboration in heterogeneous research networks
Jose Ricardo Bustos Molina Management-oriented modeling: optimizing nitrogen management with artificial intelligence
Juan Carlos Caicedo Rueda Content-Based Retrieval of Medical Images
Juan David Cruz Gomez The Social Network and Relationship Finder: Social Sorting for Email Triage
Juan Manuel Goyes Coral Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases:
Implications for Scientic Databases
Ricardo Enrique Gutierrez Carvajal A comparative study of neural network structures in identification of nonlinear systems
Mario Linares Vasquez Portfolio Selection
Pablo Yanod Marquez Restrepo Vessel Segmentation Using a Shape Driven Flow
Luis Fernando Medina Cardona Generating the architecture of GIS applications with patterns
Francisco Javier Nieto Enciso Structural genomics: beyond the Human Genome Project
Eduardo Javier Ortega Urrego Controlling High Bandwidth Flows at the Congested Router
Javier Eduardo Rojas Romero Randomized Hough Transform (RHT): Basic Mechanisms, Algorithms, and Computational Complexities
Andrea Del Pilar Rueda Olarte Area Preserving Cortex Unfolding
Gabriela Alfonsina Salamanca Fajardo Level Set Methods in an EM Framework for Shape Classification and Estimation
Pedro Alexander Salamanca Rivera Indexing by latent semantic analysis
Jhon Alexis Sanabria Garzon Data Mining: An Overview from Database Perspective
Carmen Constanza Uribe Sandoval No publicó artículos candidatos