Assignment 1
Applying Machine Learning

Due: Thursday February 7th
 Machine Learning

  1. Everybody in the course has an assigned task (see table below). 
  2. The task may be accomplished individually or in group. 
  3. On February 7th, each group must bring a presentation (maximum 6 slides) that:

Task Assigned to
1. To get IRIS data set
2. To describe the data set
  • Origin, attributes, classes
  • "Scatter plot"
  • 2D visualization (PCA or MDS)
  • David Camilo Becerra Romero
  • Jos� Luis  Morales
3. Decision trees:
  • train a decision tree
  • describe the obtained model
  • evaluate its performance
  • Rolando Beltran Arrieta
  • Daniel Restrepo Montoya
4. Neural network:
  • design an appropriate network to solve the problem
  • train it
  • evaluate its performance
  • Alexander Ceron Correa
  • Luis Alejandro Riveros Cruz
5. Na�ve Bayes:
  • train a Naive-Bayes classifier
  • describe the obtained model
  • evaluate its performance
  • Jimmy Alexander Cifuentes Rodriguez
  • Maria Eugenia Rojas Izaquita
6. Linear Regression:
  • propose a linear model to solve the problem (1 class against the others, multi-class)
  • evaluate its performance
  • Emir Fredy Cortes Trujillo
  • Edwin Andres Ni�o Velasquez
7. k-nearest neighbors
  • train a k-nn classifier
  • describe the obtained model
  • evaluate its performance
  • Miguel Dario Dussan Sarria
  • Omar Guillermo Erazo
8. Support Vector Machine:
  • train a SVM classifier
  • describe the obtained model
  • evaluate its performance
  • Camilo Ernesto L�pez Guar�n
  • Sandra Patricia    Tocarruncho Tocarruncho
10. K-means:
  • cluster the data using K-means
  • describe the obtained clustering
  • Visualize the results
  • Carlos Alfonso Garzon Mape
  • Wilson Eduardo Soto Forero
11. Hierarchical Clustering:
  • cluster the data using hierarchical clustering
  • describe the obtained clustering
  • Visualize the results
  • Jeison Dario Gutierrez Juya
  • Javier Fernando    Vargas Gonzalez